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    杭州市医保定点机构 在线预约 | 咨询医师 | 进入医师答疑区| 2020-10-04 17:07

      Hangzhou cure hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, anus tai hospital is that we can hear words at an early age, this condition is also very widespread in the days of our temporary, but why hemorrhoids problem so widespread? The occurrence of hemorrhoids is composed of many elements, and many of these elements is very common in our daily life, take a look at the specific introduction.








    Which owe good defecate habit: toilet nowadays hole on reading a newspaper, a squat and defecate time longer, easy to form the anus in the cecum blood stasis and cause disease.
    (2) abnormal stool, diarrhea and constipation are important causes of hemorrhoids, constipation is big, the root of long time accumulation of excrement and urine, influence the blood circulation, cause hemorrhoids.
    Reason: (3) diet in daily life, drink too little water, for a long time or people like eating spicy food, with wine and spicy stimulate digestive tract mucous membrane, vasodilation, easy to form tumors.
    (4) occupational reasons: standing or sitting for a long time for a long time. Due to sit upright or posture, anal cecum in the lower part of the body, hemorrhoid venous return.
    Anorectal hospital doctors, points out that electronic anus mirror selects the sixth generation visual medical video and imaging skills, image collection of lesion and let the patient side clear, accurate and intuitive understanding of the condition, to avoid the misdiagnosis and disease.


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